
of the
Libertarian Party of West Virginia
Executive Committee Meeting


(unapproved draft)

Call to Order

The regular bimonthly meeting of the State Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of West Virginia (LPWV) was held on Saturday, May 22nd, 1999, in the Ali Baba's Downtown Restaurant in Morgantown, West Virginia. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 13:18. By unanimous vote, the minutes for the previous meeting of 1999-03-20 were approved as distributed.

Executive Committee

Chair Richard Kerr present
Vice Chair vacant absent
Treasurer John Sturgeon present
Secretary David Wallace Croft present
1st District Chair David Wolfe (Vice-Chair) present
2nd District Chair Karl Swisher present
3rd District Chair Wallace Johnson, M.D. absent
VP/Membership Greg Henshall absent
VP/Campaigns Joseph Whelan, M.D. absent
VP/Public Relations John Brown absent
VP/Finance Michael Todd, M.D. present
Historian Larry Durrette absent

Members and Guests

John "Rick" Bartlett, Mr. Sachs.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees


Mr. Sturgeon.

LPWV 1/1/99 thru 4/30/99
Beginning Balance 1999 $4,069.59
Deposits 1999 $1,074.35
Total Cash Available 1999 $5,143.94
Payments 1999 $760.14
Cash minus Payments $4,383.80
LNC-Memberships $100.00
Bell Atlantic-WV $147.19
LDDS - Long Distance $0.00
Printing & Mailing $305.95
Room Rentals $0.00
Advertising $0.00
Press Releases $0.00
P.O. Box $44.00
Convention $0.00
Account Credits $0.00
Internet Expenses $163.00
Campaign Contributions $0.00
Total Expenses $760.14
Checking Account Balance: $4,383.80

Mr. Sturgeon reported that the actual balance current as of the meeting was $3,339.53 with $720 coming from the Unified Membership Plan (UMP) thus far this year.

Mr. Croft motioned that the Executive Committee adopt the budget presented at the last meeting and to authorize the Chair to execute said budget. Dr. Todd seconded. There was a discussion of expenditures and income due to memberships and the UMP. Mr. Sturgeon moved for a friendly amendment that there be no set limits on the Chair for membership expenses. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

Vice Chair



Dr. Whelan was absent. He relayed that nothing was active on the campaigns front.

Richard Kerr reported that Mr. Sturgeon had received 20.7% in his recent bid for Charleston city council, the highest percentage in a contested race. He had distributed flyers just before the election and a newspaper ad that prominently displayed his affiliation with the Libertarian Party.

Mr. Bartlett will be running June 8th for Kingwood city council.

There was a discussion of how minority groups had dominated in low-turnout elections in the past by voting as a block.


Mr. Henshall was absent.

Richard Kerr reported that interest seemed to be picking up based upon e-mail and mail that had been routed to him from the national LP. He stated that these individuals had contacted us due to exposure from letters to the editor in newspapers, websites, and radio shows.

There was a discussion about Yahoo misdirecting to the old LPWV URL. Dr. Todd volunteered to update that entry.

VP/Public Relations

Mr. Brown absent.


Dr. Todd reported no new ideas as to generating income other than the new membership project/flyer drive. Dr. Todd questioned the need to continue to have a VP/Finance position on the Executive Committee. Mr. Croft and Richard Kerr advocated continuing the office for generating revenue streams at a later date.

1st District Chair

Mr. Jones absent.

2nd District Chair

Mr. Swisher gave no report.

3rd District Chair

Dr. Johnson absent.


Mr. Durrette absent.


Richard Kerr solicited inputs for filling the vacancy of Vice-Chair. Mr. Croft advocated filling the vacancy with a volunteer as soon as possible. In response to a query, Dr. Kerr itemized that the offices of Vice-Chair, Secretary, and possibly 1st District Chair would need to be filled soon due to vacancies. Mr. Bartlett volunteered for the office of Vice-Chair. Mr. Croft recommended Dr. Todd for the office of Secretary; Dr. Todd volunteered.

There was a discussion about the authority granted to the Chair by the LPWV constitution to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee by appointment and the potential future conflicts this might cause with state law once the party achieved the threshold of 10% of the gubernatorial vote. Richard Kerr appointed Mr. Bartlett to chair a Constitution and Bylaws Committee to make recommendations to bring the LPWV constitution and bylaws in conformance with state law.

There was a discussion about changing the LPWV constitution in the future such that vacancies on the Executive Committee would be filled by vote of the same body instead of appointment by the Chair.

Mr. Swisher moved a resolution to make a recommendation to the Chair to appoint Dr. Todd as Secretary. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote. Richard Kerr appointed Dr. Todd as Secretary, effective upon the resignation of Mr. Croft at the end of the meeting.

Mr. Swisher moved a resolution to make a recommendation to the Chair to appoint Mr. Bartlett as Vice-Chair. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote. Richard Kerr appointed Mr. Bartlett as Vice-Chair, effective immediately.

Reports of Special Committees


Special Orders


Unfinished Business and General Orders


New Business


Richard Kerr ordered and received 20,000 copies of a recruitment letter and brochure at a cost of $1,007.60 or about $0.05 per package. There was a discussion about methods of door-to-door distribution with a reminder that it is illegal to place objects in a mail box. Dr. Todd advocated tracking the distribution by street and date. Mr. Bartlett reported mailing packets to new voters within a county. Dr. Todd asked that the packets not be distributed in public places such as parking lots as it would be more difficult to track results for such as opposed to distribution to homes on a street. Mr. Croft suggested that if the packets, as an experiment, could not be distributed in a reasonable time period, the LPWV then try billboards as suggested by Mr. Sturgeon at the last meeting.

Richard Kerr called for a two-pronged attack of LPWV membership and party registration. There was a discussion of getting the numbers of voters registered as Libertarians from the county offices.

Dr. Todd raised the idea of a voter drive to distribute voter registration forms. Mr. Wolfe discussed the success that another organization had with this.

County Organizations

Richard Kerr announced that the LPWV had until early June to get organizational names and offices for publication in the state blue book. Dr. Todd proposed a goal of every county having a small meeting monthly.


Richard Kerr thanked the outgoing Secretary, David Wallace Croft, for his participation in that role.

Mr. Bartlett recommended Mr. Wolfe for the position of 1st District Chair should Mr. Jones resign due to his relocation.

Richard Kerr raised the possibility of forming a committee to set the location of future meetings. There was a discussion which included the possibility of moving the meetings from Saturday to Sunday, or alternating between them, and the best time of day. Dr. Todd volunteered to arrange for the locations of the following two meetings.

Richard Kerr requested approval for the expenditure of an additional $80.00 for doorknob bags for distribution of the packets. Dr. Todd motioned for the expenditure. The motion was seconded and carried by unanimous vote.

Richard Kerr discussed the state of the newsletter and the website.

Mr. Bartlett introduced a discussion about seeking candidates for the upcoming elections, especially with regard to the race for Governor. Richard Kerr stated that he was not inclined to run for Governor. Mr. Bartlett advocated continued repetition of bids for Congressional office for name recognition. Mr. Croft proposed that the LPWV move quickly to select a gubernatorial candidate for the primary from the pool of those current members that met the five year residency requirement and were willing to volunteer.


Meeting adjourned at 15:05.



David Wallace Croft, Secretary, Libertarian Party of West Virginia