Minutes of the Humanist Church of North Texas Quarterly Business Meeting 2004 Dec 18 Sat The quarterly business meeting of the Humanist Church of North Texas (HCNT) was held on Saturday, December 18th, 2004, at 13:17, at a restaurant in Dallas, Texas, a quorum being present with 5 members in attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following officers reported: * Treasurer ...: Cynthia Keaton By acclamation, the following were elected as officers for 2005: * President ........: Shelly Hattan * Vice President ...: Joe Kleehammer * Secretary ........: John Hattan * Treasurer ........: Shannon Croft * Librarian ........: Cynthia Keaton * Moderator ........: David Wallace Croft The following motions were adopted unanimously: * To adopt an agenda for the meeting. * To accept Joe Kleehammer as a Member of the Church. * To continue meeting at the Oak Cliff UU on a month-to-month basis. * To sponsor a chapter of the Navigators USA. * To create the Hospitality Committee with Shelly Hattan as Chair. The following motion was lost: * To adopt National Day of Reason as an official Church holiday. The following motions were tabled indefinitely: * To meet twice a month. * To affiliate with the Atheist Alliance International. * To change the organizational name to Secular Fellowship. The meeting was adjourned at 14:04. David Wallace Croft, Secretary